Demo and try fly days

EzyFlight runs frequent free fly days where anyone can try our planes for FREE

Christmas Free Fly II

Join us for FREE at the West Pymble Public School Oval from 8:00 - 10:00am.

The earlier the better as there is less wind!


Saturday, 21st December CONFIRMED

Christmas Free Fly III

Join us for FREE at the West Pymble Public School Oval from 8:00 - 10:00am.

The earlier the better as there is less wind!

Friday 27th December SLIGHTLY DELAYED DUE TO RAIN: COME DOWN FROM 9.10 to 10.30

We will only cancel in the case of inclement weather. Check this page the night before our free fly days if unsure to confirm that we are proceeding.

Christmas Free Fly IV

Saturday, 4th January

Join us for FREE at the West Pymble Public School Oval from 8:00 - 10:00am.

The earlier the better as there is less wind!